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A door.

Any furniture object can be a door or doorway that leads to another room when it is clicked by a player. Doors are highlighted in green when you mouse over them or use the Icon-clickable furniture.png View clickable furniture button.

Doors are also used to create new rooms.

Using a Door to Create a New Room

The Decorating Room Panel
  1. Go to a room you already own.
  2. You will need a piece of furniture to turn into a door. If you do not already have furniture in the current room that you wish to use as a door to the new room, follow these steps:
    1. Choose Stuff → Furniture.
    2. Check the Add to room box next to any item you want to add to the room.
  3. Click on the Room icon Icon-room control.png in the control bar and select the Decorate button Icon-edit room.png. If you added a piece of furniture to the room to use as a door, you will already be in Decorate mode.
  4. Choose the furniture that you wish to turn into a door by clicking it in the room.
  5. In the Decorate panel, there is a door icon labeled "Make Door." Click on it.
  6. A popup window will appear with two choices. Click on the orange "Show all my rooms (or buy a new one)" button.
    Decorating room-Set door target.png
  7. This will open up your My Rooms page.
  8. Click once on either the bar or coin payment button to create your new room.
    Me-My Rooms.png
  9. A new room named <Yourdisplayname>'s Room will be added to your list of rooms. Click on your new room to go to it and then use the blue "Set this location as target" button to link the door to it.

Note: If you change the name of the room, the name that shows up when your pointer is over the door you created it with will not change. You will need to edit the door while decorating the room and use the "Object action" section found in the "Advanced editing options." Even if you remove the door function from the furniture piece that leads to your new room, the new room will still exist.

Create a Door Leading to an Existing Room

The Decorate Room Panel
  1. Go to a room you already own.
  2. You will need a piece of furniture to turn into a door. If you do not already have furniture in the current room that you wish to use as a door to the new room, follow these steps:
    1. Choose Stuff &rarr; Furniture.
    2. Check the Add to room box next to any item you want to add to the room.
  3. Click on the Room icon Icon-room control.png in the control bar and select the Decorate button Icon-edit room.png. If you added a piece of furniture to the room to use as a door, you will already be in Decorate mode.
  4. Choose the furniture that you wish to turn into a door by clicking it in the room.
  5. In the Decorate panel, there is a door icon labeled "Make Door." Click on it.
  6. A popup window will appear with two choices. The popup will stay in your window while you go to the existing room that you want the door to lead to. When you are in the room you want the door to link to, click on "Set this location as target."
    Decorating room-Set door target.png

Note: If you change the name of the room, the name that shows up when your pointer is over the door that leads to it will not change. You will need to edit the door while decorating the room and use the "Object action" section found in the "Advanced editing options."

Undoing Doors

The Decorate Room Panel when a door object is selected.
  1. Click on the Room icon Icon-room control.png in the control bar and select the Decorate Room button Icon-edit room.png to get into furniture arranging mode.
  2. Choose the door furniture that you wish to undo by clicking it in the room.
  3. Click on the "Drop Door" button in the Decorate Room window and your furniture will be a normal, non-door piece of furniture again.

Note: Even if you remove the door function from the furniture piece that was used to create a new room, the new room will still exist.

See Also